There were some upset victories, shocking events and some interesting match-ups this week! Let's get down to our nominations for Star of The Week!
1st: DANA BROOKE. Dana Brooke has had a great week this week! She may have lost to rising star Eva Marie but she got a win over the Women's Champion Sasha Banks this week! Will a win over the Boss Sasha Banks make Dana Star of The Week?
2nd: SASHA BANKS. Sasha may have lost to Dana Brooke this week in a upset victory but she defeated the X Division champion, Gail Kim. Will a win over another champion make Sasha Banks this week's Star of The Week?
3rd: PAIGE. Paige defeated Emma this week and also defeated Velvet Sky to advance in the next round in the World Title tournament. Will Paige become this week's Star of The Week?
round in the World Title tournament. Will Angelina Love become this week's Star of The Week?
6th: KELLY KELLY. Kelly Kelly debuted this week and defeated Winter, and she also defeated Beth Phoenix. Will Kelly Kelly become this week's Star of The Week?
So now we turn it over to you, the fans, and let you guys decide who's this week's Star of The Week will be. Cast your votes below! Poll will be closed after 24 hours!