There were many things that transpired this week. From champions being crowned, champions retaining and even champions losing matches just days before the Pay-Per-View Payback. Of course, there were stars... Now let's get to our nominations for Star of The Week!
1st: STEPHANIE MCMAHON. Stephanie McMahon shocked the world this week when she made her presence felt at Payback. Stephanie interrupted a crazed AJ Lee who was attacking Carmella. Just moments after AJ was about to ''fire'' Carmella, Stephanie came out and demanded that she's the boss and then went on to fire AJ Lee! Will Stephanie McMahon become this week's Star of The Week?
3rd: ROSA MENDES. Rosa faced Eve in a non-title match on Genesis, Eve ended up getting the DQ victory after a new face Ivelisse made her debut by attacking Torres interrupting the match. 17 days after losing the X Division championship, Rosa ended up regaining the title back at Payback with brand new ally Ivelisse by her side. Rosa Mendes is now a 2x X Division champion! Will Rosa Mendes become this week's Star of The Week?

also got authorized to defend her title in a handicap at Payback against
5th: NIKKI BELLA. Nikki with her new attitude got the chance to face Winter at Payback, Nikki got the pin-fall victory over Winter in the Main-Event. Will Nikki continue to be a dominant force in this division? Will Nikki become this week's Star of The Week?

week with Beth Phoenix whom bullied her through out Tessmacher's debut in Revolution Wrestling. Brooke finally got the chance to face Beth again at Payback, this time with Brooke returning the favor and defeating Beth. Will Brooke Tessmacher become this week's Star of The Week?
7th: CANDICE MICHELLE. After making her return to Revolution Wrestling, Candice has been making a name for herself every day. She went on to face Trish Stratus at Payback, which she ended up getting the win. Will Candice Michelle become this week's Star of The Week?
Now it's time for you, the fans to vote on who you think deserve to be Star of The Week! Vote below, poll closes in 24 hours!